Your Online Music Education: Sonic Academy v Producertech v ADSR

David Verney
Dec 8, 2021


Read the original blog post at Get LoopCloud 6 — Get Your Free Copy of The Complete Guide to Music Marketing 2021 — Krannaken Music Marketing Podcast Connect with Krannaken on Tumblr Be the Next DIY Rock Star Facebook Group #SonicAcademy #ADSR #ADSRSounds #Producertech #Loopmasters #LoopCloud #PluginBoutique #onlinemusiceducation Perhaps the most appealing career to get into is music production. How do you find music producer training? Are there any ways to learn music production free? What music production courses do I recommend that you take? What is my best advice to people who are looking at how to learn music production online? In this post, we will look at



David Verney

Author of Complete Guide to Music Marketing, music blogger, music producer and multi-instrumentalist. Graduate from UWL, husband and father.