Song Against Gun Violence

David Verney
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


Yesterday, we saw the third anniversary of the Parkland School Shootings. On 14th February, 2018, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz gunned down 17 students and staff at his former school,

Why a Song Against Gun Violence?

Alex believes that people who do these terrible things are not bad people. They are just caught up in society. Cruz lost both parents a couple of years before the massacre. Therefore, at the time of the massacre, he was living with foster parents. His only next of kin in his birth family was his brother. The latter blamed himself for the atrocities of 14th December 2018.

Magic Dandelion is an attempt to understand Cruz and others like him who commit crimes like this all over the world. The song offers alternative interpretations of the meaning behind the shootings, why they happened and how we can think of the perpetrators.

It wasn’t Cruz’s fault that he lost his parents. He was a very disturbed young man and he needed an avenue to put all of his built up emotion into. That avenue turned out to be the shooting of 34 people and the deaths of 17 of them.

With the words of Magic Dandelion, Alex offers that alternative viewpoint. The sound of the music just brings that viewpoint more attention as it is a very well written song and people will appreciate that. The song is not sad, depressing and negative. Neither is it a really jolly, happy song. It is simply an alternative understanding of the people caught up in it.

What Actually Happened on the Day of the Massacre?

On 14th February 2018, the 19-year-old Cruz entered the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. He was carrying a number of guns and opened fire in a crowded area of the school.

Evidence against Cruz was overwhelming. He has hundreds of pieces of evidence, plus dozens of eye-witness accounts of him with the guns. He was arrested just one hour later.

Cruz faces the death penalty after murdering these people. The murdered people included 14 other students and 3 members of the school staff. However, a further 17 people were injured in the process.

A Video About the Parkland Shootings…

The news report on the day of the shootings is below..

What Can You Do About Gun Crime?

One thing you can do to combat gun crime in your locality and around the world is to share the Magic Dandelion video on social media. When you listen to the song, you need to pay attention to the words.

Why Not Subscribe to Alex’s YouTube Music Channel?

If you enjoyed Magic Dandelion from the video above, please also feel free to subscribe to Alex’s YouTube channel here. Thank you for reading this post and remembering, with us, the Parkland School massacre.

Further links about Magic Dandelion include



David Verney
David Verney

Written by David Verney

Author of Complete Guide to Music Marketing, music blogger, music producer and multi-instrumentalist. Graduate from UWL, husband and father.

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